I like flatpak

I know! sacrilege! no new thing can be good! we must be curmudgeons and Luddites!

I've been using void with musl for a month now with no real complaints. One weird compilation error in rust but that might have been something else since I don't know rust well. The one thing that was a little frustrating was that I couldn't play any DRM content due to musl. However since flatpaks come with all the needed libraries I just installed the flatpak of Firefox and watched Netflix through that. Easy Peasy!

Snaps are dumb, no package manager should rely on a specific init system. Appimages are cool but seemingly have failed to take off for whatever reason. Flatpaks kinda seem like they have won and I don't really mind. If you don't take the sandboxing arguments too seriously and just look at them as a package manager for all those apps which you'd like to have but you aren't going to find in your niche distro's repos it's pretty good. Sure the reverse domain name naming scheme isn't my favorite but it solves name conflicts for certain.

I think these universal package formats are a good way to use these large packages with tons of dependencies on small distros. Out of all of them flatpak mostly just works.

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